JAHF Graduate Student Resources

2025 JAHF Graduate Student Travel Grant



The Japan Art History Forum announces the opening of applications for the 2025 JAHF Graduate Student Travel Grant. This competitive grant is intended to support professional development of JAHF’s graduate student members by helping to offset travel and/or accommodation expenses for the annual conferences of the College Art Association (CAA) and the Association of Asian Studies (AAS).

Application is open to any member of JAHF who is currently pursuing the study of Japanese art or visual culture at the graduate level and who is scheduled to present a paper at either of these two conference venues. Applicants travelling within North America can receive a maximum of U.S. $750, and international travelers up to U.S. $1,000; these funds are intended to cover actual travel or accommodation costs. The JAHF Board is the selection jury. Please see below for terms, conditions, and information on how to apply.

The application deadline is Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Applications received later than Jan. 15 will not be considered.



Please send an email with your application information to the following email address: jahf.treasurer@gmail.com

The following information must be included in the body of your message in three sections – no attachments will be opened or read. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Copy and paste the following into the body of your email message:


Section 1: Personal and Institutional Information

• Applicant’s name:

• Applicant’s university and department:

• Applicant’s academic status (“MA student” or “PhD student,” and expected year of graduation):


Section 2: Presentation Details

• Paper title:

• Conference venue (CAA or AAS), title and date of panel:

• Abstract of paper (250 words maximum):

• Is this research part of a larger project? (150 words maximum):


Section 3: Budget

Include the dates of travel and a list of transport and accommodation expenses. Describe any anticipated funding from other sources.



1) Each applicant must be a current member of the Japan Art History Forum.

2) Applicants are eligible for only one award per year. Preference is given to those who have not received a travel grant in the past two years.

3) Awards will be distributed in the form of reimbursement. Submission of receipts is required for reimbursement.

4) Awards will be made on the basis of receipts for actual expenses. If awardees benefit from other institutional sources of funding, they are required to disclose these sources and the monetary amount received from them.

5) Applicants may be requested to submit supplementary materials as required to support the disbursement of funds.

6) JAHF can only remit funds through PayPal.

We look forward to receiving your applications!!