*JAHF 2015 Election for Treasurer, Secretary, and Graduate Representative
*Voting Deadline: Thursday, January 15

This e-mail contains “Instructions,” “Ballot,” and “Candidate Statements.”
Mark your ballot with an “X” to indicate your chosen candidate, and send to Tamaki Maeda, JAHF Secretary, at tamaki@uw.edu
To keep your vote confidential, please DO NOT to hit “Reply All.” 
BALLOT (Mark your choice of candidate by typing an “X” at one of the ____ below ):

*for Treasurer:

____ Meghen Jones (Alfred University)

____ (write-in candidate)

*for Secretary

____ Justin Jesty (University of Washington)

____ (write-in candidate)
*for Graduate Representative

____ Holly Rubalcava (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

____ (write-in candidate)


** for Treasurer: Meghen Jones (Alfred University) 
Since joining JAHF over ten years ago, I have found the dialogues and scholarly development it has fostered tremendously valuable, and I am honored be nominated to serve on the Board of Directors as Treasurer. In this role, I would like to contribute to the sustainment and growth of this vital organization for our field, with a specific focus on contributing to the maintenance of membership dues, travel grants, and related financial and administrative matters. My research interests center on East Asian ceramics, modern Japanese art, and craft in transnational perspective. After 11 months as a Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellow at the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, in August 2014 I began the position of Assistant Professor of Art History at Alfred University where I teach courses including Arts of Japan, Buddhist Arts of Asia, Ceramics: Global Flows, and East Asian Craft. I remain affiliated with SISJAC as an Academic Associate. Previously, I was Teaching Fellow in Japanese Studies at Earlham College and Visiting Researcher at the Crafts Gallery of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. My administrative and service experience includes six years on the Board of Directors of Studio Potter journal and contributing to the organization of several exhibitions, academic workshops and conferences. Whether performing research, teaching, or engaging with the field at large, I seek interdisciplinary and cross-cultural interpretative strategies that challenge established hermeneutics and canons of art, and I look forward to continued interchange with JAHF members via the listserv and at the AAS and CAA conferences.
** for Secretary: Justin Jesty (University of Washington)
My primary research is on the relationship between art and social change in Japan post-1945. I have been working on two main projects, the first a consideration of the role of art and artists in the period of democratization and reconstruction in the early 1950s, the second a study of socially engaged art in the context of the many art projects which have sprung up in the past two decades. I also have an interest in documentary film. As secretary I hope to facilitate communication and assist in keeping the wonderfully rich resources of the Forum’s website up to date. 
** for Graduate Representative: Holly Rubalcava (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
My research focuses on the significance of the human body in late-Heian and early-medieval Japanese visual culture. My dissertation is a trans-disciplinary exploration of ailments and disabilities in visual images, especially in illustrated handscrolls, popular literature, medical treatises, and religious beliefs and practices from the late twelfth-century to the fourteenth century. I will engage with recent theoretical discourses on the body, disability studies, and monstrosity as critical frameworks within which to investigate representations of the body as significant sites upon which cultural beliefs and biases play out. 
I am interested in serving our academic community as the JAHF graduate representative for a number of reasons. First, I would like to promote graduate student participation in JAHF by increasing student membership as well as encouraging student participation in regional and national events. Second, I am interested in promoting communication and interaction amongst graduate students. In addition to encouraging interaction via the JAHF graduate student Facebook page, I would like to pursue the possibility of hosting a JAHF graduate student meeting at the annual CAA and AAS conferences. Finally, based on graduate student input, I would be interested in organizing workshops geared towards professional development.