*JAHF 2013 Election for Graduate Student Representative
Candidates’ statement follows the ballot below.
Election result will be announced shortly following the voting deadline.
Mark your ballot with an “X” to indicate your chosen candidate, and send to Tamaki Maeda, JAHF Secretary, by Friday, January 11.
____ Mimi Chusid (Princeton University)
____ (write-in candidate)
My research focuses on Japanese Buddhist art, with a particular interest in the set of Six Paths hanging scrolls held at the temple Shôjûraigôji near Mt. Hiei. My dissertation will focus on these scrolls and it will examine how changing display contexts and viewership altered the paintings’ meaning over time.
As JAHF graduate student representative, I would be interested in exploring new ways to facilitate graduate student communication and academic exchange. While maintaining the JAHF graduate student Facebook page and the list of current students’ and their research interests, I would like to investigate the possibility of compiling a list of primary source databases that JAHF members could consult. I would also be interested in finding new ways to encourage graduate student participation at regional and national conferences and other major events.