The Japan Art History Forum’s Chino Kaori Memorial Essay Prize recognizes outstanding graduate student scholarship in Japanese art history. The prize was established in 2003 in memory of our distinguished colleague Chino Kaori, and is awarded annually to the best research paper written in English on a Japanese art history topic.
The prize winner will receive a complimentary two-year membership to JAHF.
See below for submission instructions.
Submission Instructions
The competition is open to graduate students from any university. Recent graduates are also eligible to apply, up to one year from their date of graduation.
Essays may not be previously published in any form or currently under review for publication.
Submissions should include an essay, abstract, and illustrations that conform to the following guidelines:
Essay: under 10,000 words (13,000 including notes), in 12 pt., double-spaced font.
Abstract: 250 words.
Illustrations: size of the total file must be under 10MB.
Please send the above three items in a single Word or PDF file to