The AAS has just announced their call for proposals for panels and round tables for the 2017 Association for Asian Studies conference (to be held in Toronto March 16-19, 2017). The deadline is August 9, 2016. As an AAS-affiliated society, JAHF is entitled to sponsor up to two panels and we are now accepting proposals.
Members who are organizing a panel or a round table concerning Japanese art who wish to have it considered for sponsorship should submit their application by email by July 29 to Xiaojin Wu, JAHF Vice-President, at XiaojinW [at] SEATTLEARTMUSEUM [dot] ORG. Results will be announced by August 5.
Applications should include the following information and should be submitted as a single file:
Panel title
Panel abstract
Name and affiliation of organizer/chair(s)
Name, affiliation, paper title and abstract for each presenter
Name and affiliation of discussant(s)
JAHF membership status of each participant
Proposal forms and information regarding session formats, etc. may be found on the AAS website at:
Please note that session organizers/chairs must be JAHF members, and that selection for JAHF sponsorship is not a guarantee of acceptance by AAS. To see sessions sponsored by JAHF in the past, go to (click “JAHF Info” on the sidebar, then “Annual Activities“).